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Student Rights & Responsibilities


  • To not be denied access due to a disability, according to the law
  • To receive reasonable accommodations that provide equal opportunity
  • To have access to auxiliary aids/assistive technology as available to other students
  • To not be counseled toward "more restrictive career objectives"
  • To receive assistance from the Campus or Online Accessibility Centers in removing physical, academic and attitudinal barriers
  • To not be discriminated against due to a disability or receive any retaliatory discrimination, as protected by law


  • To identify to the Campus or Online Accessibility Center
  • To provide documentation of disability
  • To participate in an intake interview with a Campus or Online Accessibility Center staff member to initiate services
  • To initiate specific accommodations by following the procedures outlined in a discussion with the Campus or Online Accessibility Center staff member
  • To provide professors with reasonable notice in which to implement the accommodations
  • To provide for personal independent living needs or other personal disability-related needs
  • To assume personal responsibility for meeting with faculty and requesting additional assistance
  • To follow all Campus or Online Accessibility Center policies and procedures to receive accommodations