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Articles About Education

A group of students sit at a table discussing the importance of critical thinking

The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills, For Students and Ourselves

Critical thinking is a vital skill, yet it’s often neglected. Starting with a clear definition of critical thinking can help educators identify which skills should be taught. Developing evaluation strategies, for instance, can help students take a critical look at the information they consume.
A person with blonde hair asleep at a desk surrounded by clouds, stars and z's.

How Much Sleep Should a College Student Get?

Aside from studying, writing papers and knocking out required reading, most college students have a lot of additional responsibilities. For your health and continued academic success you need to be well rested – and that means more than getting just a few hours of sleep when and where you can.
A student who is earning a BS degree, taking notes as she studies on a laptop in the SNHU library

What is a BS Degree and What Can You Do With It?

Under the umbrella of bachelor's degrees, there are two main types of degrees you can get: a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Both degrees take about four years to complete and consist of 120 credits, but there are some differences to consider when choosing what's right for you.
A man with a light blue shirt and glasses looking up how to stay motivated in college on a laptop.

How to Stay Motivated in College: 5 Tips for Student Success

Looking for extra motivation to do well in college? Discover 5 tips from SNHU academic advisors to help you persevere and succeed as you earn your degree. The tips include pursuing your passions, staying organized, leaning on your support system, celebrating every win and embracing the journey.

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