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Articles About Education

A man with a light blue shirt and glasses looking up how to stay motivated in college on a laptop.

How to Stay Motivated in College: 5 Tips for Student Success

Looking for extra motivation to do well in college? Discover 5 tips from SNHU academic advisors to help you persevere and succeed as you earn your degree. The tips include pursuing your passions, staying organized, leaning on your support system, celebrating every win and embracing the journey.
A person with a laptop and notebook, considering the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree.

What is the Difference Between Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees?

Bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programs differ in the number of credit hours required and in their depth of content focus. A master's degree can build upon the skills you learned in your bachelor's degree and help you advance your career in many fields.
A woman sitting in on a meeting with two other people discussing what an MS degree is

What is an MS Degree?

Earning your bachelor's degree is an essential first step to becoming educated in your desired field, but you can take it further. An MS degree is a graduate degree that contains different programs that fall under the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.
A group of students working towards their BA degree. One student is writing on the white board while three other students surrounding a desk watch.

What is a BA Degree and What Can You Do With It?

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree can provide a wide-ranging education, equipping you with a well-rounded knowledge base in subjects like liberal arts, humanities and social sciences. Explore the different opportunities a BA can bring you while building a strong foundation of general education.

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