What Can Financial Aid Be Used For? Your Financial Aid Offer Explained
Understanding your financial aid offer and what it means is a great way to prepare yourself for college. Financial aid is money that can help you pay for college, but the process is known for being confusing. Here's what you need to know about your financial aid offer.
What is a Master’s Degree?
A master’s degree comes after a bachelor's degree and is typically a two-year academic program that allows you to specialize in a subject area of your choice. Some common types of master's degrees you can choose from include: Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Business Administration.
How to Get Better Grades in College
If your grades aren't where you want them to be, it's time to take action. An instructor and a peer tutor from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) shared 5 tips and strategies on how you can be a pro-active student and get better grades in college.
SNHU Spotlight: Marilyn Barth, BA in General Studies Grad
Marilyn Barth ‘23 likes to keep moving towards a goal. At 75, she's already accomplished a lot — a professional dancer, an instructor, a mother and grandmother, and a survivor of a coma. And now, she’s also graduating from SNHU with a BA in General Studies.
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