Living in Tennessee? Earn Your Degree Online
Join over 6,000 Tennessee students and graduates who've chosen to earn their degrees from Southern New Hampshire University.
6k students and graduates
in Tennessee
Accredited and nonprofit with
25+ years of online expertise
200+ career-focused
online degrees
Affordable Tuition
Enjoy some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation – plus discounts for eligible military students.
24/7 Student Support
Late night studying? Tech support and drop-in tutoring are available 24/7.
Career-Focused Courses
Prepare for your future with an online degree that can get you workforce ready or help advance your career.
Save Even More with Partnerships
SNHU partners with organizations and institutions nationwide with the goal of providing even more affordable online degrees to students like you.
You can check whether your organization has already partnered with us by reaching out to
Tennessee Community College Partners
Your Service Deserves Our Support
We know Tennessee has a long and honored military community and we’ve been a proud military supporter since World War II. In addition to low online tuition, no set class times and some of the best support in higher education, active-duty U.S. service members and their spouses, National Guard and Selected Reserve can qualify for tuition discounts of up to 30%. We also accept military tuition assistance, Veteran Affairs (VA) education benefits and Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) scholarships for spouses.
Popular Programs for Students in Tennessee
Explore additional SNHU degree and certificate programs.
What SNHU Students Are Saying
Blake Venable said he was attracted to SNHU's status as a non-profit university and was impressed with the support he received while studying to earn his degree in accounting.
"A huge element that I love about SNHU is they have a 24-hour online tutoring center – which I didn't think would even be a thing or that it would even exist, but it does," said Venable. "I've logged on at two in the morning and gotten help on homework before, so that's that's been incredible."
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you get a degree online in Tennessee?
You can get an online degree anywhere you'd like across the country – including Tennessee. In fact, more than 6,000 Tennessee residents have already earned or are working toward their online degrees at SNHU. We've offered fully online courses since "Friends" ruled television and Amazon sold its first book – 1995. Since then, we've developed more than 200 online programs that are affordable and flexible.
Is SNHU accredited in Tennessee?
Southern New Hampshire University is accredited by the regional accreditor the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), which is one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized within the United States by the U.S. Department of Education. This means, as an SNHU student — no matter what state you live in — you’ll be earning a degree from a respected university that is recognized nationwide for meeting accreditation standards.
It’s important to note that institutions are not accredited by state. However, regional accreditation, from accreditors such as NECHE, is widely recognized across the United States.
SNHU also carries specialized accreditations for particular programs.
What is the best online college degree to get?
That depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you're trying to advance at an accounting firm, an online accounting degree or an online Master in Business Administration may serve you well. If you're interested in writing the next great American novel, accounting courses may not help but enrolling in an online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing might.
People go to college for all kinds of reasons – from helping to start or advance their careers, to achieving a lifelong dream, to becoming the first in their family to earn a degree or being the best role model they can be to their kids. The best online college degree you can get is the one that best fits your life and ambitions.
Can you do 100% online college?
You sure can, and SNHU students have been doing it since our first fully online programs were introduced in 1995. Since then we've grown – a lot. Now serving 200,000+ students across more than 200 online programs, we've learned a thing or two.
SNHU focuses on support and flexibility. Your academic advisor and instructors know their industry plus the needs of working adults and parents. And they're dedicated to giving you the support you need to make sure school fits your life.