Withdrawal & Refunds Policies
Withdrawal from SNHU
Students wishing to withdraw from the institution can do so by completing the Withdrawal from SNHU form*. Students should communicate and work with their academic advisor when completing this process. International students should work with the International Student Services department.
Submission of the completed form will withdraw students from the university and from all courses/competencies in which they are currently enrolled, unless the student indicates on the form that they have intentions of completing the current semester/term. For students under the age of 18 years, a written parental/guardian consent is required. If a student cannot access the form due to extenuating circumstances, they must notify their academic advisor to begin the withdrawal process.
The official withdrawal date is the date the form is submitted, unless students choose to complete the current term, in which case their withdrawal from the University will be processed after final grades have been entered. The withdrawal date will be used to determine any tuition refund, in accordance with the University’s refund policy. Students are encouraged to talk to their academic advisor and Student Financial Services regarding potential impacts to GPA, military benefits and financial aid, especially as students near the end of their semester/term. Students can withdraw from the university at any point. However, any requests within the last week of the term will be processed after term end and final grades have been awarded.
The University reserves the right to withdraw students who fail to meet academic requirements or who, because of misconduct, disrupt the academic process.
Course Withdrawal Policy
Graduate and undergraduate students may drop courses prior to the start of term and through week one without any academic penalty. For more information, students can reference the university’s Course Add and Drop policy. If a student wants to withdraw from course(s) after week 1, they may do so and should consult with their Academic Advisor to discuss possible financial and academic implications. Students can withdraw at any point in the term except for the last week of a term. Withdrawals in the last week of a term are not permitted. All term weeks begin on Monday and end on Sunday.
In all cases, the date of withdrawal is the date the completed form is received for processing. Any withdrawal prior to the last week of the term will result in a grade of “W” on a student’s academic transcript. Credit hours for courses from which a student withdraws are included in their total number of credit hours, and as such, withdrawn courses will appear as credits attempted, but no credits earned in a student’s academic records. This could have implications in terms of financial aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), and Scholastic Standing with SNHU. Students who do not maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress will experience an impact on financial aid eligibility, and withdrawal from class does not reduce account charges. Withdrawal from a course will likely impact eligibility for financial aid for the current term as well as future terms. Students should discuss these concerns with their academic advisor.
Merely ceasing to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal for academic or financial reasons. Any student who has not officially withdrawn from a course will be assigned the grade calculated on the basis of all submitted and missed graded assignments for the course. Missed assignments will earn a grade of zero. Any student who has not officially withdrawn from a course will be responsible for full tuition and any accompanying fees.
Exception: No student is allowed to drop or withdraw from FYS-101, except in the case of extenuating circumstances supported by documentation. Students missing the first two sessions of FYS-101 will not be dropped by the instructor. Students seeking to withdraw from FYS-101 must complete a Student-Initiated Course Withdrawal form that contains the approval of their advisor and the Director of First-Year Seminar.
Direct Assessment Competency-Based Student Withdrawal
When the student initiates the withdrawal process in the first 14 days of any term, they are dropped from all competencies at no charge regardless of participation. Any competencies mastered during this time are removed from the student’s record. A Return to Title IV federal financial aid funds (R2T4) calculation may be completed using the student’s last date of attendance. Any previously scheduled Title IV financial aid will be canceled for the term and if eligible, a post-withdrawal disbursement will be offered. The student is reported as withdrawn to the National Student Clearinghouse, and any outstanding student loans will enter the applicable grace period repayment.
Military Withdrawal
After week 1, enrolled military personnel may withdraw from a class(es), if military duties preclude their ability to satisfactorily complete required coursework or participate in class, by completing the Student Initiated Course Withdrawal Form. Any tuition refund requires students to provide a copy of military orders, as well as a letter from the superior officer confirming the lack of availability of civilian internet access. In appropriately documented cases, a student may be eligible to withdraw from a term with a full tuition refund if their withdrawal is predicated on an injury or illness directly related to their military service. Any such refund requires the student to provide supporting medical documentation.
Medical Withdrawal
In cases of medical withdrawals, a student may be allowed to withdraw from a term in exceptional circumstances, such as serious illness, which must be documented by a letter from a physician, or other appropriately documented serious condition beyond the student’s control. Administration reserves the right to make the final determination and give or deny approval for such a withdrawal. Any withdrawal made after the second week of the term will be processed at no refund to the student.
Emergency Withdrawal
The goal of the Emergency Withdrawal policy is to support students who may be experiencing serious extenuating personal circumstances during a term by allowing a course withdrawal after week 1 of the term. An Emergency Withdrawal, which is noted as a “W” on a student’s transcript, may be granted for extraordinary cases in which a serious and unexpected medical issue or other significant personal circumstance prevents a student from continuing his or her class(es). While the Withdrawal and Refunds policy applies, the University reserves discretion to allow financial consideration for Emergency Withdrawals.
In order for an Emergency Withdrawal to be considered, the circumstance must be serious, unforeseen and documented, and must not be able to be addressed through a reasonable academic arrangement:
- Serious: Reserved for circumstances that fall well outside the norm of everyday challenges or stresses and are severe enough to reasonably cause disruption to a student’s personal and academic life.
- Unforeseen: Reserved for circumstances that are outside a student’s control and were unanticipated at the time of registration and/or during the term’s drop period. Students applying based on chronic or intermittent issues (including pregnancy) known at the time of registration will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Documented: All Emergency Withdrawal requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation which clearly shows that the student was not able to complete the class successfully.
Examples of serious, unforeseen, extenuating circumstances include unexpected extended hospitalization, death of an immediate family member, severe illness of a dependent, or natural disaster. For the purposes of the Emergency Withdrawal policy, immediate family is defined as a spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, child, grandparent, parent-in-law, grandchild or a member of the immediate household.
Emergency Withdrawals are not granted for circumstances that are foreseeable or avoidable, or do not significantly and reasonably impact a student’s ability to complete his or her online class. Examples of Emergency Withdrawal requests that do not qualify as an Emergency Withdrawal include change in employment, relocation, vacation, financial difficulties, or life stresses. Emergency Withdrawals are also not granted if a student does not provide sufficient documentation.
- Mandatory Leave
On occasion, when a student’s immediate needs, including medical or emergency needs, demand resources or knowledge beyond what can reasonably be accommodated within the University community, a student may be placed on mandatory leave. Such a leave may occur concurrently with a medical or emergency withdrawal. The Mandatory Leave Policy may be found in the Student Handbook.
All Emergency Withdrawal requests must be received no later than end of day on the Sunday preceding the last week of the term. Students who are not able to provide new documentation or who are not able to meet the deadlines of the Emergency Withdrawal policy can file a dispute up to 90 days after the close of the term.
An Emergency Withdrawal, just like any withdrawal after the first week of the term, could have financial implications beyond the cost of the course, including a student’s eligibility for Federal Student Aid, employer benefits, military/veterans benefits, etc. An Emergency Withdrawal could also impact a student’s academic completion rate and/or delay a student’s graduation date. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with their Academic Advisor and Student Financial Services about the potential implications of withdrawing before submitting an Emergency Withdrawal request.
Approval of an Emergency Withdrawal request and possible financial consideration are not guaranteed.
Withdrawal Disputes
Withdrawal disputes must be submitted within thirty (30) days after the end of the term during which the student withdrew. Please consult your Academic Advisor if you are looking to go through the Withdrawal Dispute process.
Students should refer to the Financial Aid Enrollment Status Criteria policy for more information on impacts to financial aid eligibility.
Withdrawal and Refunds
Course/Institutional Withdrawal
Undergraduate students may drop a course during the first week of a term, and the dropped course will not appear on the student's academic transcript. Undergraduate students may withdraw from courses at any time starting week two up until the last week of the term and will earn a course grade of "W." Withdrawals are not permitted in the last week of class. All term weeks begin on Monday and end on Sunday. Holidays throughout the term do not impact these timelines.
The following policies apply to ALL students taking online, face-to-face or hybrid courses.
Submission of Withdrawals
Requests to withdraw must be submitted via the student’s academic advisor via the approved form. In all cases, the date of withdrawal is the date the completed form is received. No paper withdrawal forms or emails will be accepted. For the purpose of withdrawals, all term weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday. Holidays during the week do not impact these timelines.
Tuition Refund
Online & On Campus Students
Course/ Institutional Withdrawals:
- During Week 1 (Drop period): No tuition charged or 100% refund if full payment is submitted
- During Week 2: 50% tuition charged or 50% refund if full payment is submitted
- After Week 2: 100% tuition charged or no refund if full payment is submitted
*Fees are non-refundable.
Direct Assessment Competency-Based Education Students:
Students have 14 days from the start of the term to cancel enrollment and receive a full refund of any tuition paid for that term. If the student withdraws after the 14-day period, the student will be responsible for the full tuition amount. If the student withdraws or is dismissed from the program, the university and/or the student may be required to return a portion of any Federal Title IV financial aid received. A Return of Title IV calculation will be performed for any student who has received Federal Title IV financial aid to determine the amount of federal aid that must be returned to the federal government by the university and the student.
Room and Board
Room and board are canceled/reduced based on calendar days, according to the following schedule for day school students.
Room and board charges:
- 100% refund before the first day of the term (includes fees).*
- 90% refund from day 1 to day 10 of the term.
- 50% refund from day 11 to day 25 of the term.
- 25% refund from day 26 to day 52 of the term.
- No refund after day 52 of the term.
- Note: The refund calculation is based on calendar days.
*Meal plan refunds are based on the above schedule, unless more dollars have been used. Should that happen, the student is responsible for the balance of the meal plan the student has at the time of the withdrawal date.
*Fees are non-refundable.
MA Counseling Residency Refund Policy
Students may withdraw from the residency course before the start of residency and receive a full refund of the residency fee. This refund excludes any travel or other costs incurred outside what is covered by the fee. Students who fail to attend the residency without withdrawing prior to the start of residency will incur the residency fee, and will be subject to that fee a second time upon retaking the residency course.
Mountainview Low-Residency MFA (campus) Residency Fee
Residencies: The Mountainview Low-Residency MFA program has two residencies per calendar year, one in January and one in June. Students may withdraw from residency up to four weeks prior to the start of the term and receive a full refund of the residency fee. This refund excludes any travel or other costs incurred outside what is covered by the fee. Students who fail to attend the residency without withdrawing at least four weeks prior to the start of the residency will incur the residency fee, as the institution has contractual obligations.
Nursing Immersion Refund Policy
Students may withdraw from the immersion prior to the start of the term and receive a full refund of the immersion fee. This refund excludes any travel, or other costs incurred outside of what is covered by the fee. Students who fail to attend the immersion without withdrawing prior to the start of the term or are unsuccessful at the immersion will incur the immersion fee and will be subject to that fee again upon retaking the immersion.
Study Abroad and National Student Exchange Refund Policy
Please review the Study Abroad and National Student Exchange (Campus Only) Policy.
Financial Aid Disbursements
All tuition charges and withdrawal requests are subject to review, and students who withdraw may be responsible for paying back part or all of their financial aid disbursement for that term. In addition, withdrawals may have an impact on a student’s eligibility for future financial aid.
For students receiving Federal Title IV Financial Aid (Direct Loans, Plus, Federal Pell or FSEOG grants): those who withdraw before they have attended 60% of any particular academic term may need to have a portion of the federal financial aid canceled. These funds, if already disbursed, would then be returned to the US Department of Education. The percentage of federal financial aid "earned" is based on the amount of time a student attends in that term and is calculated using the Federal Return to Title IV funds formula provided by the US Department of Education. If the student has taken a credit refund from financial aid funds and then withdraws, these funds may need to be paid back to federal aid sources, or Southern New Hampshire University depending on the circumstances. If a student withdraws after having attended 60% of an academic term, they have earned 100% of the aid awarded for that term and there is no cancellation of aid. Institutional financial aid may also be canceled during the withdrawal process based on adjustments to charges and federal financial aid. Student accounts will be adjusted within 30 days of the notification of withdrawal.
Please contact the Student Financial Services office at 1-877-455-7648 or via email at studentfinance@snhu.edu for details.
Participation Policy Unofficial Withdrawal
Ongoing participation in courses and completion of assignments are two critical components to student success. The institution does not monitor attendance and withdraw students who stop participating, but students who use financial aid or any type of military benefits and fail all courses within a term will be reviewed for participation. Please refer to the Course Participation and Unearned F policies for additional information.