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Photo of student speaker Demeeta Hulett at the Online Undergraduate Business and STEM Programs Commencement

Commencement 2022

Spring 2022 Commencement Ceremonies

Southern New Hampshire University celebrated its 90th Commencement on April 30 - May 1, 2022 with four in-person ceremonies at the SNHU Arena in downtown Manchester.

Nearly 4,000 graduates celebrated in-person, while 4,000 more celebrated in a virtual ceremony on May 14 in our first ever 360-degree virtual reality format. You can find all of our spring 2022 ceremonies — all of which you can stream on YouTube.

The newest members of the SNHU alumni community, representing all 50 states and 46 countries, join a growing network of more than 180,000 globally.

Spring 2022 | 11,300 undergraduate | 3,900 Graduate | 17 Doctoral

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Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremonies

In the fall of 2022, Southern New Hampshire University celebrated more than 17,700 graduates with three in-person ceremonies and six virtual ceremonies — all of which you can stream on YouTube.

The newest members of SNHU’s alumni community (ranging from 15 to 89 years of age) represent each of America’s 50 states and 65 countries. They join a growing network of more than 200,000 global alumni.

November 19 and December 10, 2022 | 12,162 Undergraduate| 5,600 Graduate

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